Diocesan Museum Rottenburg. Paintings and Sculptures 1250-1550
Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart (ed.)
Edited by and Wolfgang Urban
€ 39,90
Jan Thorbecke Verlag, ISBN 978-3-7995-0753-0
1st edition 2012, hardcover, 500 pages with 270 illustrations, format 21 x 28 cm.
The Diözesanmuseum Rottenburg houses one of the most important collections of medieval panel paintings and sculptures in Baden-Württemberg. On the occasion of its 150th anniversary, the exhibits have been edited for the first time in a catalogue of holdings that reveals both the art-historical rank and the religious dimensions of the works. The analyses of the complex contents, the appreciation of the artistic image-making and the description of the craftsmanship techniques are intended to clarify the claim of the works of art.
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