Starry wreath, protective cloak, breastplate – depictions of Mary throughout history

What is behind the Mary in St. Michael in Tübingen?

In St Michael’s there have been considerations for some time to replace the figure of Mary in the church – after all, according to the conviction of some, it is not a representation of Mary. So that the congregation and the parish council can form their own opinion, Dr Melanie Prange, diocesan curator and director of the Diocesan Museum Rottenburg, will report on representations of Mary throughout history and the connections with the image of women at the time.


Place: Parish Hall St. Michael

Date: 13 June 2023, 7.15 pm


Photo: Madonna with crown and sceptre, 2nd half of 18th century, Hohenheim, St. Antonius, © Diözesanmuseum, Fachstelle Kunstinventarisierung