„Verschluss-Sache“ Glauben

Diesen Freitag findet unter dem Titel „Verschluss-Sache“ Glauben ein Gespräch am Kunstwerk mit Christoph Schmitt statt.

Es gibt Erfahrungen, die in Worten oft nicht die Aussagekraft finden, um das erfahrene Geheimnisvolle angemessen auszudrücken. Bilder vermögen auf ihre Art Reflexionsräume zu öffnen, die Menschen dem Mysterium näher kommen helfen, ohne es aufzulösen. Mithilfe der Kunst bleibt im Glauben manches damit nicht einfach eine Verschlusssache, sondern sie bietet gleichsam Schlüssel für eine „Erschluss-Sache“ Glauben.

Im Mittelpunkt des Abends stehen drei Werke des Freiburger Künstlers Tobias Eder.

Moderation: Christoph Schmitt (Institut für Fort- und Weiterbildung der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart, Rottenburg)





Pssst, … hey you there! Do you know me yet?

I’m Lexi and I live here at the Diocesan Museum. More than 500 years ago, an artist painted me with a brush and paint. That was in the Middle Ages, when there were still real knights and brave princesses! That was so exciting!

Come and visit me sometime! If you look closely, you can definitely spot me!
I’m looking forward to seeing you! See you soon!

Susanne Roewer: Tangible delicate – MEET THE ARTIST

Susanne Roewer’s works transform the garden and rooms of the museum into a suggestive landscape. Immerse yourself in a world full of poetry and experience impressions from the vernissage of the exhibition, accompanied by the words of the artist.

Susanne Roewer (*1971 in Bad Schlema) first studied materials science at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg before switching to sculpture and graphics at the Berlin University of the Arts. After graduation she founded the G7 Berlin Network Gallery and subsequently cooperated with various collectors and funding programmes in Switzerland. Her works can be seen all over the world.

Joannes Baptista Sproll and his crosier

Joannes Baptista Sproll becomes Bishop of the Diocese of Rottenburg in 1927. In the first photos, he had himself photographed with the crosier of his predecessor Paul Wilhelm Keppler. Since it was customary in earlier times to take over the staff of one’s predecessor, it was long thought that Sproll did not have one of his own. But how could this be done during his time as auxiliary bishop? Did Bishop Keppler and Auxiliary Bishop Sproll agree at the weekend who could use the baton and when? Inconceivable, says diocesan archivist Dr Herbert Aderbauer and sets out to find out.

Sacred Art 2020/2021

The new edition of the Yearbook Holy Art has been published.

Member edition of the Kunstverein der Diocese Rottenburg-Stuttgart, edited by the Kunstverein, the Diocesan Museum and the Bischöfliches Bauamt of the Diocese Rottenburg-Stuttgart, Jg. 2020/21, Ostfildern 2023.

1st edition 2023, paperback, with numerous illustrations, 427 pages, format 18.5×24 cm, ISBN 978-37955-1599-0

VULNERABLE – the main theme of this volume recapitulates the art competition of the same name launched by the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart in 2021 and visualises different kinds of vulnerability: a theme that takes on a new dimension especially in today’s world, marked by war, pandemics and increasing social injustice. The fact that art is always available to answer questions is further demonstrated in this comprehensive issue with contributions on art history, reports from the Episcopal Building Office and the specialist art inventory office. Exhibitions for the years 2020/2021 in the diocese of Werden are presented. The panorama picture sheet, which presents numerous contemporary artists, is also a tradition. Project and conference reports, tributes and obituaries as well as a detailed review section complete the volume.

Creation Myths | Concert with Dance

On Sunday, 14 May at 5 pm, the Diözesanmuseum invites you to experience creation myths in text, word and dance. The creation myths of the great world religions as well as the creation texts from the Kabbalah, contemporary literature and the natural sciences tell of the beginnings of human life. The life dancer Felix Grützner transforms these texts into movement, accompanied on the piano by Patrick Bebelaar. The linguistic framework is provided by the spoken word artist Jule Hölzgen (Academy for the Spoken Word https://gesprochenes-wort.de/ ).

Place without intention

Place without intention – light-sound concert in the museum

On Saturday, 4 February, 7 p.m., you can experience an extraordinary light art concert at the museum.

Being able to improvise requires – in addition to a very good knowledge of one’s own instrument – a high level of attention, sensitive reactions and a playful interest in the as yet undetermined.

The artistic challenge of the uncertain unites the light artist Kurt Laurenz Theinert and the musician and accordionist Anja Kreysing.

In dialogue with the museum space, the two artists improvise together – Kurt Laurenz Theinert with light and Anja Kreysing with sounds. They create fascinating audio-visual impressions that take the guests into a world they have not yet perceived.

"Built from light"

Panel discussion on the significance of light in (sacred) architecture and urban development | Radiance

Light plays an overriding role in almost all world religions and creates a sacred atmosphere in places of worship, temples and churches. While the architectural style is constantly changing, the reference to light remains. What is applied in sacred buildings also applies outside religion: light contributes decisively to the spatial effect and is an essential element of historical and contemporary architecture. In the panel discussion, the multi-layered use of light in space will be explored – also with regard to the current energy crisis and the need to conserve resources.

Date: 26 January 2023, 6:00-19:30 p.m.

Venue: Diözesanmuseum Rottenburg, Karmeliterstr. 9, 72018 Rottenburg am Neckar, Germany

Andreas Danler (Bartenbach GmbH, Tyrol)
Diocesan Master Builder Dr. Thomas Schwieren (Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart)

Chair of the discussion:
Dr.in Melanie Prange (Head of the Diözesanmuseum Rottenburg).

Price: 5 euros

© Diocesan Museum, Photo: Kai Loges

"God’s light power"

We cordially invite you to the guest lecture by Prof. Dr Stephan Winter (Chair of Liturgical Studies, University of Tübingen) on Wednesday, 14 December 2022 at 6 pm.

Light and Christmas – for us they belong together. Even from their origins, the two great festivals of the Christmas cycle – the Nativity (25 December) and the Epiphany (6 January) – are characterised by the interpretation of cosmological light phenomena. But how do these impressive metaphors of light relate to the socio-cultural contexts in which they are embedded? In this exciting lecture, selected testimonies from the Roman liturgical tradition of the Christmas season will be brought into dialogue with the artworks in the special exhibition “Radiance“.

A public guided tour of the exhibition will also take place on the same day from 5 to 6 pm.

Date: 14 December 2022, 18:00-19:00

Location: Diocesan Museum Rottenburg, Karmeliterstr. 9, 72018 Rottenburg am Neckar, Germany

with: Prof. Dr. Stephan Winter, Chair of Liturgical Studies, Faculty of Catholic Theology (University of Tübingen)

Price: 5 Euro

Registration: https://dioezesanmuseum-rottenburg.de/ausstellung/strahlkraft/ or phone: 07472/922-180. Of course, we also welcome all spontaneous visitors!

Photo © Eric James McDermott

The other view: What lies behind things in medieval paintings

Porridge, toilet brush, post horn? What's behind the things in medieval paintings.

In the guided tour series The Other View, Kunsthalle curators and art educators, together with representatives of a particular field, take a look at a work of art and open up unusual perspectives.

Whether it is fortifying food for a freshly baked mother or the most precious gift wrappings for the hoped-for saviour – medieval paintings are full of objects and gestures that often seem strange to us today.

Together, Dr Iris Dostal-Melchinger, Art Inventory Diocesan Museum Rottenburg, and Dr Tamara Engert, Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, devote themselves to the stories behind these objects and actions. Deciphering functions in the painted private, but above all ecclesiastical space of the 15th century.


Please register by email to info@kunsthalle-karlsruhe.de.


Date: 23 November 2022, 6:00-19:00 p.m.

Venue: Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, Hermann-Veit-Strasse 6, 76135 Karlsruhe, Germany

With: Dr. Iris Dostal-Melchinger, Art Inventory Diocesan Museum Rottenburg, in conversation with Dr. Tamara Engert, Art Education Kunsthalle

Price: free of charge